Matrimonial & Family Law (Divorce)

The attorneys at Kennedy Luce focus on all aspects of divorce law throughout Connecticut. We have extensive experience in all areas of matrimonial/divorce law.  By understanding the needs and desires of our clients, we are able to develop the most beneficial and efficient strategies to resolve each matter favorably.

Family law matters can be very complex.  Kennedy Luce regularly handles sophisticated divorces requiring business valuations and/or extensive litigation. Our clients include high net worth individuals from many industries including insurance, finance, government, legal and sports and their spouses.  Cases involving substantial assets and/or complex estates require experience and specialized knowledge. We are accomplished at identifying and valuing assets and wealth, including real estate, securities, closely held and family business interests, professional licenses, retirement funds, deferred compensation, pension plans, overseas accounts, stock options, trusts and other actual or potential sources of wealth.

We will protect your rights and advocate on your behalf throughout your matter. We recognize that each case is unique and may involve sensitive and critical issues ranging from child custody, visitation, and support, to alimony, equitable distribution, and the protection of assets.

While an aggressive approach to a case is often necessary, our policy is to adapt to the particular situation. If a case can be resolved without prolonged litigation (meaning numerous court appearances), we make every effort to do so. We counsel our clients to explore reasonable settlement options, many times with the assistance of a retired judge or neutral professional.  On the other hand, we have a long record of favorable trial outcomes and appellate decisions so when divorce proceedings become contentious, we are known for getting successful results.

We continue to support our clients long after a divorce is finalized or a family matter is resolved. Our attorneys regularly represent clients in modifying or seeking enforcement of financial orders, custody and parenting arrangements, and other provisions of a divorce judgment. 


Divorce (Marital Dissolution)

Separation Agreements

Appellate Representation

Prenuptial Agreements

Postnuptial Agreements

Cohabitation Agreements


Property Division

Equitable Distribution of Assets

Child Custody and Visitation Disputes

Child Support Matters


Judgment Enforcement

Judgment Modification

High Asset Divorces

Resolving Multi-State & International Issues

Valuation Issues


Family Businesses

Relocation Issues


Represented a partner at an international law firm in divorce proceeding. Settled on the eve of trial with the assistance of a private mediator.

Represented the high net worth husband in a divorce trial lasting over 15 days.  Protected over $40 million in premarital assets.

Represented doctor in 10 day divorce trial, resulting in favorable outcome on significant financial issues.

Represented many top executives at large insurance companies in both negotiated divorce settlements and contested matters.  Some of these cases have included complex offshore holdings.

Represented stay-at-home wife of hedge fund partner. Settlement negotiated prior to trial.

Negotiated a postnuptial agreement involving a couple receiving a financial windfall from the sale of a family company.

Mediated a divorce settlement for a couple with serious debt issues related to failed business interests.

Negotiated a prenuptial agreement for a client with assets in excess of $25 million dollars.

Successfully won a dismissal of a family law appeal brought before the Connecticut Supreme Court.

Represented a police officer in a multi-day divorce trial over complex financial issues related to deferred compensation.